Over the past several years I’ve spent a good bit of time visiting cities across our nation. Through these travels and regular…
News Category Description
City Government

For 9 years, Deke was the Mayor of Augusta, Georgia. In his tenure, he ushered in a new era of cooperation, progress and optimism. It wasn’t easy. The lessons learned in dealing with the nuances of city government have given Deke a unique insight on how to get along with, and get by, local government.
Higher Education

Building and supporting a strong University system is key for healthy community growth. Deke’s experience in higher education, including navigating consolidation, has given him rare acumen for dealing with this important aspect of city building.
Race Relations

It is one of the most sensitive issues of our time. In many communities, it is a reality that must be dealt with, and that involves a lot of tact. Deke’s groundbreaking work with race relations in Augusta has allowed the town to begin to realize its potential. He can do the same for yours.

He’s been given a battle flag. He’s been privy to some of the top level discussions concerning the Army Signal Corp. and Ft. Gordon. Under his tenure as Mayor, Augusta became the home for the U.S. Cyber Command. Deke understands the military, he respects those who serve and, they, in return, trust him to help further their mission.
Public Affairs

Public affairs work combines government relations, media communications, issue management, corporate and social responsibility, information dissemination and strategic communications advice. Practitioners aim to influence public policy, build and maintain a strong reputation and find common ground with stakeholders.